Rabu, 20 April 2011

"Rendang Daging" (Beef Ren­dang)

Ingre­di­ents :

1 1/4 liters Coconut milk from 2 old coconuts
1 Turmeric leaf, torn and knot­ted
5 Kaf­fir lime leaves

1 stalk Lemon grass, bruised
1–2 pieces Asam Gel­ugur
10 Red chilies, finely sliced
1 kg Beef, fat and sinew removed, cut into 3 cm cubes

Spices :

3 table­spoons Chopped galan­gal
1/2 table­spoon Chopped turmeric
1/2 table­spoon Chopped gin­ger
200 g Red chilies
4 Shal­lots

How to Cook:

  1. Sim­mer coconut milk with turmeric leaf, kaf­fir lime leaves, lemon grass, asam gel­ugur, sliced chilies and ground spices until the milk thick­ens and becomes oily.
  2. Reduce heat.
  3. Add beef and cook until tender.
  4. Stir occa­sion­ally until the spices dry and turn brown.

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